Friday, December 16, 2011

I鈥檓 looking for a wireless router/modem for cable internet (Charter Communications).?

It must have wireless capability, ports for wired applications, and a coax connection for the cable internet. Any thoughts?|||If you're wanting to rent the cable/modem router combo from Charter it will be $3 for rental and $6.99 for the service (which is called home networking and it includes the wireless support from Charter) so all together it is $9.99 a month plus the actual internet price as well (depending on what speed you get it varies from about $40 to $60, but there are A LOT of good promo's for both things). You will either get a Netgear or an Ambit (both are good). There is professional install for $49.99 (the fee is for the wireless usb card you will receive and are actually buying from us and is yours to keep. Retail price for other places run up to $100 plus). If your modem breaks at all we replace it for free.

You can buy your own modem/router combo but all we're gonna care about is if you have internet connection or not. Unfortunately we can't treat the modem like ours so if it breaks you have to by a new one. Netgear and Ambit are always the biggest one's...D-Link is another one...Pretty much every kind of modem and router has a combo.|||I have Charter too and you can just use any router or modem for it, doesn't have to be a certain one.

But if you are looking for one, check out, or go to your local Walmart, Target, or an electronic store.|||Here's one option Linksys WCG200-RM.

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